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Federation Cup - FFA Cup Qualifying 2018

Result and Details

First Round (FFA Cup Round 4) - Tuesday, 24/04/2018 - 19:00 - Greenway Enclosed

Woden Valley - O'Connor Knights 0:9 (0:2)

Goals: 0:1 Brandon Hawker (35.); 0:2 Brandon Hawker (40.); 0:3 Corey Rukavina (48.); 0:4 Danny Krajacic (53.); 0:5 Corey Rukavina (55.); 0:6 Aldrich Cummins (57.); 0:7 Brandon Hawker (72.); 0:8 Sime Rogic (81.); 0:9 Danny Krajacic (87.)

Red Card: Woden Valley - Shannon McKenzie 56 mins

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