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Gold Coast Premier League 2016



Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Mitchell Robinson 10 - 10 -
Alex Bell 4 - 4 -
John Griffin 4 - 4 -
Joshua Donaldson 3 - 3 -
Jacob Hughes 3 - 3 -
Matthew Hughes 3 - 3 -
Slayde Scriggins 3 - 3 -
Mark Ingerson 2 - 2 1
Thady McFarlane 2 - 2 -
Christopher Mondientz 2 - 2 -
Matthew Chisholm 1 - 1 -
Tomohiro Fujimani 1 - 1 -
Nathan James 1 - 1 -
Brendon Kimber 1 - 1 -
Mark McMillan 1 - 1 -
Jarrod Robinson 1 - 1 -
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