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Gold Coast Premier League 2015


Magic United TFA

Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Robbie Smith 24 - 24 1
Morgan Saunders 16 - 16 -
David Mutch 9 - 9 -
Rhys Saunders 7 - 7 -
Curtis Stollery 4 - 4 -
Neil Monro 3 - 3 2
Danny Morton 3 - 3 -
Dean Critchlow 2 - 2 -
Josh De Nittis 2 - 2 -
Dean Wernerson 2 - 2 -
Blayd Matthews 1 - 1 -
David Pilic 1 - 1 -
Ashley Swatton 1 - 1 -
Anthony Verity 1 - 1 -
Tyler Wagstaffe 1 - 1 -
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