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South Australia NPL - State League 2014



Player Goals Ass. Points Pen
James Skeffington 16 - 16 -
Michael Mastropaolo 13 - 13 -
James Coley 11 - 11 -
Nicholas Krznaric 8 - 8 -
Nicholas Mavromatis 6 - 6 -
Daniel Pearce 6 - 6 -
Johnny Mavromatis 4 - 4 -
Dennis Tapp 4 - 4 -
Daniele Cardellini 2 - 2 -
Ethan Nash 2 - 2 -
Scott Parkinson 2 - 2 -
George Agalidis 1 - 1 -
Yanni Koulocheris 1 - 1 -
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