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Queensland National Premier League 2013


Brisbane City

Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Antonio Murray 27 - 27 2
Eric Frazier 12 - 12 1
Matthew Biggins 7 - 7 -
Kenneth Dougall 4 - 4 1
Alistair Pase 4 - 4 -
Nathan Bird 3 - 3 -
Dean Le Petit 2 - 2 -
Kyle Blackadder 1 - 1 -
Jay Joo 1 - 1 -
Luca Perico 1 - 1 -
Matthew Riggs 1 - 1 -
Yoshihiro Sakurai 1 - 1 -
Thomas Shannon 1 - 1 -
Daniel Sharov 1 - 1 -
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