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Victoria Premier League 2011


VTC Football

Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
David Stirton 4 - 4 -
Damir Lokvancic 3 - 3 -
Stipo Andrijasevic 2 - 2 -
Luc Jeggo 2 - 2 -
Luke O'Dea 2 - 2 -
Paul Retre 2 - 2 -
Alon Blumgart 1 - 1 -
Daniel Chaabani 1 - 1 -
Christopher Cristaldo 1 - 1 -
Diogo Ferreira 1 - 1 -
Zois Galanopoulos 1 - 1 -
Jake Nakic 1 - 1 -
John Reale 1 - 1 -
Enes Sivic 1 - 1 -
Daniel Sweeney 1 - 1 -
Bobby Vidanoski 1 - 1 -
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