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NSW State League Division One 2010


Inter Lions

Player Goals Ass. Points Pen. Penalty
Domenic Dimento 7 - 7 -/- -
Peter Polistina 6 - 6 -/- -
Anthony Ucchino 6 - 6 -/- -
Domenic Dimenro 5 - 5 -/- -
J Gonzalez 4 - 4 -/- -
Dom Arcella 3 - 3 -/- -
Daniel Chiandotto 3 - 3 -/- -
Nick Rouco 3 - 3 -/- -
J Hall 2 - 2 -/- -
Seb Petralito 2 - 2 -/- -
Ediz Alpkaya 1 - 1 -/- -
Leo Carle 1 - 1 -/- -
A Chiandotto 1 - 1 -/- -
Jacob Dimento 1 - 1 -/- -
B Ellis 1 - 1 -/- -
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