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NSW State League Division One 2010


Balmain SC

Player Goals Ass. Points Pen. Penalty
Nick Paradisis 7 - 7 -/- -
Johnny Buonavoglia 6 - 6 -/- 2
Lorenzo Merlino 6 - 6 -/- -
Tom Sowden 2 - 2 -/- -
Jamal Boutkabout 1 - 1 -/- -
Rob Bruno 1 - 1 -/- -
Jake Burkett 1 - 1 -/- -
Ashley Harvey 1 - 1 -/- -
Alex Leris 1 - 1 -/- -
Carl Modena 1 - 1 -/- -
Con Paradisis 1 - 1 -/- -
Jem Richardson 1 - 1 -/- -
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