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West Australia Premier League 2009


Floreat Athena

Player Goals Ass. Points Pen. Penalty
Branimir Mikulic 14 - 14 -/- -
Brad Scott 8 - 8 -/- 2
Johnny Mirco 7 - 7 -/- -
Daniel Neiderberger 6 - 6 -/- 1
Callum Roberts 3 - 3 -/- -
Dean Apelgren 2 - 2 -/- -
Jason Barrera 2 - 2 -/- -
Josip Magdic 2 - 2 -/- -
Simon Elton-Bott 1 - 1 -/- -
David Foster 1 - 1 -/- -
James Isaia 1 - 1 -/- -
James Sammut 1 - 1 -/- -
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