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Northern NSW State League 2009


Edgeworth Eagles

Player Goals Ass. Points Pen. Penalty
Sean Babic 8 - 8 -/- 1
Alex Johnson-Young 5 - 5 -/- -
Sean Matthews 4 - 4 -/- -
Ryan Clarke 3 - 3 -/- -
Andrew Myles 3 - 3 -/- -
Pat Wheeler 3 - 3 -/- -
Damien Zane 2 - 2 -/- -
Kyle Clarke 1 - 1 -/- -
Cory Fletcher 1 - 1 -/- -
Cameron Hughes 1 - 1 -/- -
Shane Knight 1 - 1 -/- -
Luke Stawski 1 - 1 -/- -
Paul Wheeler 1 - 1 -/- -
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